Brenton Beach House, Knysna Beach Guest House

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South 34° 04' 17,92" East 23° 01' 15,73"
Elevation: 61m


Click here for printable directions (.pdf 73.55 KB)
From Port Elizabeth (East - West)
Travel on the N2 through Knysna towards George. Immediately after crossing the causeway over the lagoon (White Bridge), take a right turn following the signs to Brenton and Belvidere. The road bends back under the N2. Continue up the hill into Brenton (approximately 8km). Follow the Brenton Beach House signs. Should you have missed the 1st sign, continue on the C.R.Swart road round the bend until you start to descend towards the beach. Take the 1st right. Watsonia Avenue. A sign points to Brenton Beach House. Go to the very end (approximately 1km). Brenton Beach House is number 116 - our white Cape Cod style house is the last house on the right on Watsonia Avenue overlooking the ocean. Can’t be missed.

From Cape Town (West - East)
Travel on the N2 towards Knysna. Before crossing the lagoon causeway bridge, take a left hand turn following the sign for Brenton and Belvidere. Then follow the above directions to Brenton-on-Sea.

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